
[] [BTBBT Daily - 12/6]US pledges to continue Afghan support


THE United States and other nations vowed yesterday to keep supporting Afghanistan after most foreign forces leave in 2014, as the nation faces an enduring Taliban-led insurgency and possible financial collapse.

"The United States is prepared to stand with the Afghan people for the long haul," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a global conference on Afghanistan's future that was overshadowed by the absence of key regional player Pakistan.

The international community has "much to lose if the country again becomes a source of terrorism and instability," she added.

The Bonn conference is focused on the transfer of security responsibilities from international forces to Afghan security forces during the next three years, long-term prospects for international aid and a possible political settlement with the Taliban to ensure the country's viability beyond 2014.

About 100 countries and international organizations were represented among the 1,000 conference delegates, including some 60 foreign ministers.

"Together we have spent blood and treasure in fighting terrorism," Afghan President Hamid Karzai said. "Your continued solidarity, your commitment and support will be crucial. We will need your steadfast support for at least another decade."

Afghanistan is dependent on foreign aid and spending related to the huge military presence, currently totaling about 130,000 international troops. The country seeks assurance that donor nations will help fill the gap after most forces leave by 2015.

Although donor nations will not commit to specific figures at the one-day session yesterday, they will sign up to the principle that economic and other advances in Afghanistan since the ousting of the Taliban government in 2001 should be safeguarded.

Afghanistan estimates it will need roughly US$10 billion in 2015.

Pakistan canceled its participation in protest at last month's NATO air assault, carried out from Afghan territory, that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. Its boycott has cast a pall over the session, because it points out Pakistan's ability to play the spoiler.

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