
[无损音乐] Sainkho Namtchylak -《Cyberia, Suite For The Voice A Cappella》[2 CD][FLAC]

专辑英文名: Cyberia, Suite For The Voice A Cappella
歌手: Sainkho Namtchylak
音乐风格: 前卫
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [2 CD]
发行时间: 2011年
地区: 美国

赤裸的灵魂---Sainkho 娘娘的声画
Posted on 2009-01-27 by cabymama
一支发于Tuva 的艺术奇葩 翻江倒海的唱 东张西望的走 单眼皮包下全世界 瘦骨垂皮挺立即兴先锋自由无疆
那男人是Nick Cave ?
S娘娘是太厉害的人声女伶 满世界都是她的介绍:  这里可以试听:http:/www.douban.com/subiect/1459939/?i=2
Sainkho Namtchylak 来自西伯利亚南部的图瓦民主主义共和国,这个国家毗邻蒙古。她被称为图瓦的国宝,图瓦人的音乐最有特色的就是能够同时发出高音和低音两个声部的喉音唱法。
Sainkho Namtchylak 是当今世上最令人惊叹的超级女伶,凭借其七个八度的宽广音域、出神入化的演唱技巧,最重要是勇于吸纳各种音乐艺术的实验精神,将历史悠长的双声唱法与西方前卫乐潮作出最大胆成功的融合。她曾与许多前卫大师,前后推出过《Out Of Tuva 来自图瓦》、《Tun-Gus-Ka Gu-Ska》、《Letters》、《Ser-gei Cher-now》、《Seven Songs for Tuva》、《Naked spirit》、《Stepmother City 继母城市》等专辑,她的作品不走传统的歌谣路线,而是将图瓦的双声唱法、蒙古的长调歌谣结合西方爵士乐、古典音乐、环境音乐,塑造出一种实验风格的东方音乐,并特别强调声音技巧的表现。
Artist: Sainkho Namtchylak
Album: Cyberia : Suite For The Voice A Cappella
Genre: Avant Garde, Throat Singing, Folk, Free Improvisation
Label: hatOLOGY
Recording Date: 2011
Format: CD
Sainkho Namtchylak is an experimental singer, born in 1957 in a secluded village in the south of Tuva. She has an exceptional voice, proficient in overtone singing; her music encompasses avant-jazz, electronica, modern composition and Tuvan influences. In Tuva, numerous cultural influences collide: the Turkic roots it shares with Mongolia, Xinjiang Uighur and the Central Asian states; various Siberian nomadic ethnic groups, principally those of the Tungus-Manchu group; Russian Old Believers; migrant and resettled populations from the Ukraine, Tatarstan and other minority groups west of the Urals. All of these, to extents, impact on Sainkho's voice, although the Siberian influences dominate: her thesis produced while studying voice, first at the University of Kyzyl, then in the Gnesins Institute in Moscow during the 1980s focussed on Lamaistic and cult musics of minority groups across Siberia, and her music frequently shows tendencies towards Tungus-style imitative singing.
With her shaved head and ‹The template Citation needed span is being considered for possible deletion.› seven-octave range[citation needed], Sainkho Namtchylak would stand out on any stage. Add her particular mix of Tuvan throat-singing and avant-garde improvisation, and she becomes an unforgettable figure. The daughter of a pair of schoolteachers, she grew up in an isolated village on the Tuvan/Mongolian border, exposed to the local overtone singing — something that was generally reserved for the males; in fact, females were actively discouraged from learning it (even now, the best-known practitioners remain male, artists like Huun-Huur-Tu and Yat-Kha). However, she learned much of her traditional repertoire from her grandmother, and went on to study music at the local college, but she was denied professional qualifications. Quietly she studied the overtone singing, as well as the shamanic traditions of the region, before leaving for study further in Moscow (Tuva was, at that time, part of the U.S.S.R.). Her degree completed, she returned to Tuva where she became a member of Sayani, the Tuvan state folk ensemble, before abandoning it to return to Moscow and joining the experimental Tri-O, where her vocal talents and sense of melodic and harmonic adventure could wander freely. That first brought her to the West in 1990, although her first recorded exposure came with the Crammed Discs compilation Out of Tuva. Once the Soviet Union had collapsed, she moved to Vienna, making it her base, although she traveled widely, working in any number of shifting groups and recording a number of discs that revolved around free improvisation — not unlike Yoko Ono — as well as performing around the globe. It was definitely fringe music, although Namtchylak established herself very firmly as a fixture on that fringe. In 1997 she was the victim of an attack that left her in a coma for several weeks. Initially she thought it was some divine retribution for her creative hubris, and seemed to step back when she recorded 1998's Naked Spirit, which had new age leanings. However, by 2000 she seemed to have overcome that block, releasing Stepmother City, her most accessible work to date, where she seemed to really find her stride, mixing traditional Tuvan instruments and singing with turntables and effects, placing her in a creative firmament between Yoko and Björk, but with the je ne sais quoi of Mongolia as part of the bargain. A showcase at the WOMEX Festival in Berlin brought her to the attention of many, and in 2001 a U.S. tour was planned.

    先从Sainkho Namtchylak说起,生于俄罗斯联邦图瓦共和国,祖先是游牧民族,自小学习歌唱,曾组过民谣摇滚乐团。长大后到莫斯科学习声乐,除学习图瓦传统的双声唱法(Throat singing/khoomei),也包括喇嘛与萨满巫教的传统声乐技巧(图瓦的传统信仰是萨满教,后来因为曾被蒙古统治过,所以国教改为藏传佛教)。
    Sainkho那出神入化的演唱技巧固然让人惊艳,结合图瓦传统双声唱法、喇嘛与萨满巫教的传统声乐与当代发声技巧,时而像歌剧男高音般清亮,时而像鸟鸣、孩童撒娇、深沉的低吟,人们不免拿她跟Bjork、Zap Mama、Patti Smith、Nina Hagen或者Maja Ratkje相提并论,但其实奠定她在当今乐坛的特殊地位以及赋予她的音乐跨乐种、跨文化吸引力的,却是她一直坚持的实验精神。
    著名音乐杂志《The Wire》这样形容Sainkho的音乐:运用打击效果的喘息、啧舌声与高音域尖叫作为表情,在流行与传统音乐之外独树一帜,立足于完全不同的境界:一个纯人类、受此纪律驱动而超凡的境界。其它如《Jazz Review》以"她歌唱的核心普世性与人性几乎有种大自然元素般的魅力",以及芝加哥世界音乐节的"令人惊叹的即兴家、声乐极端份子"等词表扬Sainkho在世界音乐圈的地位。
    《Cyberia》是Sainkho Namtchylak老太最新的录音室专辑,于2009年录制于莫斯科,全篇无伴奏几乎无歌词,都是老太那几近虐待人类肉嗓到极限的哼唱,是一张挑战自我同时也挑战人类对嗓音接受能力极限的神作,从未听过老太以前作品的朋友们最好先别下载了,肯定接受不了的,这张作品太过凛冽。
    我这里依旧要说的是中国音乐,萨顶顶一首《万物生》被誉为神作,她顶着藏区音乐的“神秘”混合流行因素,做出一副“跨界”天后的样子火遍大江南北以及棒子国,但是在Sainkho Namtchylak面前她只不过是个渣而已,无论是声音条件(老太肉嗓能跨7个音阶的宽度)还是跨界能力(老太极力将双声唱法和藏族发音与任何形式的音乐做融合)都是输得一塌糊涂。我觉得萨顶顶该听听她的歌,然后有自知之明地回去唱《咚巴拉》吧。

Sainkho Namtchylak (born 1957) is a singer originally from Tuva, an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation just north of Mongolia. She is known for her Tuvan throat singing or Khöömei.


01. Ary-Bory Aksy Chetken... [05:09]
02. Sagly Hadip Chidir-La Boor... [02:01]
03. Chazin Shagda... [03:18]
04. Alaak Shinaa... [03:16]
05. Thinking Easy, Talking Friendly [02:53]
06. Lilla Evening [03:19]
07. Smile! [01:23]
08. Heree Chokka... [05:59]
09. My Dear Left... [03:36]
10. The Snow Fall Without You... [05:22]
11. Shamanotuning [03:39]
12. Survival Song [01:32]
01. Morning Hoomi [04:54]
02. Syberian One [09:49]
03. Dei-A-De [07:01]
04. Hylba-Hulbus-Hmnga [05:50]
05. Petrogliphs [05:05]
06. Syberian Two [04:36]
07. Hynguraarang [05:21]

发帖时间:2013-03-05 18:28:10   |   回复数:0