
[] Various Artists -《迪士尼卡拉OK - 迪士尼频道1》[MP3][驴链]

专辑中文名: 迪士尼卡拉OK - 迪士尼频道1
专辑英文名: Disney Karaoke Series: Disney Channel Volume 1
艺术家: Various Artists
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语



Disney频道推出的电视电影,由当红女生Miley Cyrus主演。做为青春流行片的代言人,Disney频道已成功占领了青少年的市场,在背后雄厚的财力支持下,品牌效应以及对潮流的敏感为Disney带来了滚滚财源。从06年初的High School Musical到The Cheetah Girls 2在到这部Hannah Montana,每一部都无不是横扫市场的宠儿,而无孔不入的商业策略注定不会放过有关影片的每一个可利用的细节,比如以上提到的三部剧的原声集都创造了现在唱片市场不是奇迹的奇迹——发行首周就杀入Billboard专辑榜的首名,而二个月之内必破白金销量的神话也在Disney频道变为比吃个汉堡还容易的事。总之,一切合理的存在就是适应市场的所为,做为美国娱乐界乃至全球娱乐市场的榜样,目前来看,Disney领军的步伐真是太潇洒了一些。

The DISNEY KARAOKE SERIES captures many of the hits children have loved from the esteemed children's cable network's many astoundingly popular programs, and removes the vocals so kids can sing along. The eternally upbeat soundtrack contains many of the biggest hits from HANNAH MONTANA, the various HIGH SCHOOL MUSICALs, and several other shows.
The Artist & Disney branded Karaoke Series introduces its newest compilation with hit songs from Disney theatrical and Disney Channel shows including Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus, High School Musical and The Cheetah Girls plus artist specific releses from Miley Cyrus, Hillary Duff and Jesse McCartney.


Audio CD (June 9, 2009)
Original Release Date: 2009
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Walt Disney Records


01. Start of Something New High School Musical (Instrumental Version)
02. Gotta Go My Own Way High School Musical 2 (Instrumental Version)
03. Walk Away High School Musical 3 Senior Year (Instrumental Version)
04. The Best of Both Worlds Hannah Montana (Instrumental Version)
05. Nobody's Perfect Hannah Montana 2 (Instrumental Version)
06. Let's Get Crazy Hannah Montana 3 (Instrumental Version)
07. Do Your Own Thing The Cheetah Girls 2 (Instrumental Version)
08. This Is Me Camp Rock (Instrumental Version)
09. Start of Something New High School Musical (Vocal Version)
10. Gotta Go My Own Way High School Musical 2 (Vocal Version)
11. Walk Away High School Musical 3 Senior Year (Vocal Version)
12. The Best of Both Worlds Hannah Montana (Vocal Version)
13. Nobody's Perfect Hannah Montana 2 (Vocal Version)
14. Let's Get Crazy Hannah Montana 3 (Vocal Version)
15. Do Your Own Thing The Cheetah Girls 2 (Vocal Version)
16. This Is Me Camp Rock (Vocal Version)

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