
[] Medwyn Goodall Discography(1987-2010)[320K/MP3][12.21G][BT]


【专辑名称】: Medwyn Goodall Discography (1987-2010)

【歌手姓名】: Medwyn Goodall

【发行日期】: 1987-2010

【专辑流派】: New Age,Meditative



【验证全码】: 1CE72AA635C139812A6500BDC6C67CA70B75F28A

1. Series:

(1990-2009) The Mystic Tetralogy @320

(1992-2009) Medicine Woman Tetralogy @320

(1994-2002) Myths and mysteries of the world @192-320

(1997-2004) The Arthurian Collection @320

(1997-2010) Clan Trilogy @320

(2000-2001) Mind, Body, Soul Series @160-320

(2001) Four Seasons @160

(2001) Life Style Series @192-256

(2001) Natural Balance @256-320

(2007-2008) A promise of @192

2. All the other albums

All Good Things (1996) @192

Alpha & Omega (1998) @256

Amun Ra (2008) @320

Anam Cara (2001) @320

Angel Sleep (1989) @192

Antarctica - The Last Wilderness (1993) @192

Bali (2000) @256

Bonsai Garden (2000) @320

Catalan Siesta (1997) @192

Celtic Sunrise (1996) @256

Celtic Visions (2001) @256

Christmas Tapestry (1998) @192

Chronicles (2003) @256

Comet (1999) @320

Coral Sand (2004) @256

Dolphin Quest (1997) @320

Dolphins (2004) @256

Dragon's Keep (2000) @192

Dreamcatcher (1997) @256

Eagle Spirit (1995) @320

Earth Goddess (2007) @320

Earth Healer (1991) @320

Earth Love (2001) @256-320

Emergence (1987) @320

Essence of Magic (2000) @320

Eternal Pathways (2001) @256

Eye of the Wolf (2004) @320

Four Horsemen (1994) @256

Gifts Of Comfort And Joy (1989) @192

Great Spirit (1993) @320

Green Dream (1999) @320

Gregorian Devotion (2001) @256

Gregorian Harmony (1998) @320

Guardian Spirit (1996) @320

Heaven's Breath (2001) @256

In The Stillness Of A Moment (1997) @320

Innocence (1987) @192

Into the Rainforest (1995) @256

Island Bliss (2007) @~235

Kindred Spirits (1998) @320

King Shaman (1996) @320

Kingdom Of The Sun God (1993) @320

Land of the Inca (2004) @320

Leo (1990) @192

Lightstream (2000) @320

Medwyn's Cornwall (2002) @256

Millennium (1999) @320

Momentum (2004) @256

Moon Goddess (1996) @320

Myths & Magic (1996) @192

Odyssey (2000) @192

Official Medwyn Goodall Fan Club, Volume 3,7 (2000) @192-256

Om (2006) @320

Om2 (2009) @192

Origins (2009) @320

Pagan Dawn (2004) @320

Paradise Moon (1988) @160

Peaceful Garden (1999) @192

Priestess Return To Atlantis (1997) @320

Purple Dream (1994) @192

Return To Eden (1994) @256

Rhythm of the Ancients (2003) @320

Sacred Medicine (2004) @320

Sapphire (1995) @192

Scarborough Fair (2001) @256

Secrets Of The Panpipes (1998) @256

Serve Chilled (2008) @192

Siesta (2000) @320

Snows of Kilimanjaro (2002) @320

Spirit of Christmas (1997) @320

The Best of Medwyn Goodall (1998) @171-223

The Dragon's Breath (2004) @192

The Island (1995) @~200

The Magic Of Easter Island (2001) @256

The Sorcerer's Daughter (2006) @320

The Way of the Dolphin (1991) @320

The Way Of The Ocean (1998) @320

Timeless (2001) @192

Tribal Nation (2005) @256

Visions (2000) @~224

Where Angels Tread (1996) @320

Winds Across the Pacific (2001) @320

Wisdom Of The Forest (1998) @192

Medwyn Goodall,一九六一年生于英国Harrowgate的Yorkshire Dale,并在这个美丽的乡下他度过了他的童年,他姓名中的Medwyn是一个古凯尔特名字,现在在威尔士地区还可以听得到。他是一个完全的素食主义者, 没有孩子,是个十足的爱猫人;喜欢科幻电影、池塘、水族箱,还有漫步。他在六十年代的流行乐曲声中长大,他尤其喜爱Beatles和Beach Boys--他们的旋律影响了他,促使他要求并得到他的第一把吉它;Medwyn Goodall长到11岁的时候见到了英国流行歌星 Cliff Richard,他鼓励他走上了音乐的道路。当他在他的吉它上掌握了两三个和弦之后就马上开始了作曲,并且和许多象他一样十几岁的年青人组成的乐队去演 奏。其中一支叫Trax的乐队曾经在电视和电台的节目中出现,并且作为英国广播公司的嘉宾出现。 Medwyn Goodall靠自学而精通多项乐器,其实他并不会读或写谱,但却在自建的工作室里录制下自己作曲、编曲的音乐,令人惊奇的是你可以在他每张作品中,找出 一打以上的乐器来……Medwyn Goodall喜欢以古文明人作为创作的题材,并在自然环境中寻找灵感,他能将旋律完美准确地嵌入,有着素人音乐家无可抗拒的魅力!Medwyn Goodall从他的家乡和工作室所在地Cornwall那美好的乡村景色中获得了灵感并将它们融入到自己的音乐中。他的主要乐器吉他,同时它还能演奏一 打以上的乐器。他发明了他自己特有的风格,富于旋律性,表达性同时优美异常。Medwyn Goodall最终还是成为了一个自然音乐家,他拾起许多乐器并演奏它们。他演奏乐器的范围十分惊人,包括低音提琴,曼陀林,钢琴,鼓,竖琴,长笛,钟 琴,牧笛,电颤琴和各种电子合成器。他自己设计并修建了自己的录音室,并设置了各种各样的取样器(Medwyn声称这是他最喜欢的乐器,因为它们能演奏出 世界上的所有声音),合成器,吉它和丰富声学设备。

《Land of the Inca》是 Medwyn Goodall 于2004年发行的一张部落音乐风格的专辑,无以伦比的美妙音色,有行云流水之境界,华丽而富于幻想,诗意盎然。Medwyn Goodall 的音乐以强有力的鼓声贯穿全局,并以他最擅常的排笛、南美吉他以及用低音提琴、曼陀林、钢琴、鼓、竖琴、长笛、钟琴、短笛、打击乐器、电颤琴还有各类的电子合成器来配合,完美的弦乐伴奏,来诠释他所陶醉和迷恋的南美大自然和风土人情!演奏合在一起构成了规模宏大而壮丽的乐章。

Medwyn Goodall (born in 1961) is a composer and musician mostly associated with the New Age genre. He was born in Yorkshire, England. He lives with his wife Wendy in Cornwall, England. According to Allmusic, "Goodall began composing original songs as a teen, earning local notoriety with his band Trax; in the years to follow, he learned to play a vast range of instruments, including mandolin, piano, drums, harp, flute, glockenspiel, panpipes, vibraphone and synthesizer, and cut his first album at age 16". He is a prolific recorder, having recorded over 75 albums. He also topped the UK music charts twice and sold over three million albums. His first album was Emergence (1987), published by New World Music. His early albums were published also by Oreade Music. Medwyn Goodall recently started MG Music, a record label which specializes in New Age music.He produced albums on which he arranged, performed, mixed and mastered every song, although his album, Om (2006), was produced together with Terry Oldfield and Om2 (2010), was produced together with Aroshanti. There is an updated list of his albums at MG Music and at All Music web sites.Many of Goodall's recent releases have been under the alias Midori. He explains that he chose this alias so he "could record projects that were more ethnic, eastern, or produced for the healing arts" without confusing fans of his other music. However, there are also other musical artists using or known by the name Midori (such as the jazz-punk combo Midori and the Japanese violinist Midori Goto). (Wikipedia)


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