
[MP3音乐] [K-CI & JoJo][It's Real][118MB][115/快传]


专辑名称: It's Real
专辑歌手: K-Ci & JoJo
发行日期: 1999-06-22
专辑语种: 英语
专辑类型: R&B
唱片公司: Mca


Amazon.com's Best of 1999
The music of these two former Jodeci stars has grown to the point that It's Real might be the best new R&B album of 1999. Making the themes of classic soul come alive one more time, the duo also impress with their sheer sound. Their voices compel you to listen; they're as serious as a heart attack. --Rickey Wright

A cut above many of their peers in '90s sex-you-up R&B, these former Jodeci members have returned with an album worthy of its instant-hit status. Though occasionally weak in the songwriting department, It's Real sharply connects old-school Southern-soul-style vocal testifying with up-to-date beats. In an age where cookie-cutter romance rules the airwaves, K-Ci & JoJo's work is truly refreshing. --Rickey Wright

在出版了三张Jodeci专辑及一张张K-Ci & Jojo专辑后,Hailey兄弟再次以后者的名义推出他们的第二张专辑《It's Real》,新作品依然保持了K-Ci&Jojo的一贯风格:中速的节奏、流畅的旋律和悦耳易唱的曲调。他们前一张专辑中的单曲
“All My Life”取得了百万张的销量。
之前发布了K-Ci & Jojo的《Love Always》和《X》,相信大家一定对他们的音乐有了一定的了解。浓郁的R&B唱腔,完美的和声,喜欢黑人音乐的你千万别错过这一张专辑。在炎热的夏季,它定会带给你清凉的感觉

02.Fee Fie Foe Fum
03.I Wanna Make Love to You
04.I Wanna Get to Know You
05.Hello Darlin'
06.How Long Must I Cry
07.Makin Me Say Goodbye
08.Tell Me It's Real

11.What Am I Gonna Do
12.Here He Comes Again
13.Momma's Song
14.All My Life (Radio Edit)



发帖时间:2012-06-28 14:51:33   |   回复数:0