
[] John Tavener -《护面纱》(The Protecting Veil)[FLAC][驴链]

专辑英文名: The Protecting Veil
专辑中文名: 护面纱
艺术家: John Tavener
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 1998年09月29日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语



专辑编号: CD80487
专辑类型: 单CD
发行年份: 2006
国际条码: 0089408048722
鲁道夫.威尔森 指挥 法兰德斯管弦乐团

Orchestra: Rudolf Werthen, The Orchestra of Flanders I Fiamminghi, Flanders Fiamminghi Orchestra
Conductor: Rudolf Werthen
Composer: John Tavener
Cello: France Springuel
Audio CD (September 29, 1998)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Telarc
ASIN: B00000C2HV

[-] by James Manheim

The "holy minimalism" of John Tavener and the hotshot American engineering of the Telarc label -- it sounds like a match made in the Eastern Orthodox heaven Tavener tries to evoke in some of his works. And so it is, to some degree. Both works on this album are instrumental, but they are hardly secular; The Protecting Veil (1989), Tavener's first major instrumental composition, refers to the Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in the Orthodox tradition, a commemoration of a tenth century vision of the woman known to the Orthodox as the Mother of God, in which she appeared in the sky and spread a sheltering veil over Greek Christian troops. The solo cello part symbolizes her song, and the work, in Tavener's words, was "an attempt to make a lyrical icon in sound rather than wood." This performance by the Belgian orchestra I Fiamminghi and its solo cellist France Springuel is smooth and expert but adds no new dimension beyond what earlier performances have captured. The real highlight of the disc is the lesser-known The Last Sleep of the Virgin for string orchestra and handbells. It also refers to an Orthodox observance, that of the Falling Asleep and Burial by the Apostles of the Mother of God. The added wrinkle here is that Tavener wrote the work as he himself prepared to undergo major heart surgery. It is a remarkable suggestion of a state between life and death, with the handbells serving both to introduce individual sections of the music and to suggest the tolling of church bells at a funeral. Tavener directs the performers to play "at the threshold of audibility" -- and it is here that Telarc's engineers really show their stuff. It's hard to think of another recording with such a consistently low level of dynamics that nevertheless seems richly scored and holds one's attention all the way through. This disc makes a fine present for the audiophile with high-end equipment and for the Tavener lover alike.

Cello: France Springuel        


1. I. The Protecting Veil
2. II. The Nativity Of The Mother Of God
3. III. Annunciation
4. IV. The Incarnation
5. V. Lament Of The Mother Of God At The Cross
6. VI. The Resurrection
7. VII. The Dormition Of The Mother Of God
8. VIII. The Protecting Veil
9. The Last Sleep Of The Virgin


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